Scarlet Tanager – June 27, 2004

Scarlet Tanagers and lots of young Grosbeaks
I’ve been seeing Scarlet Tanagers (I don’t know if it’s one bird or more) since last weekend. They’ve been in the woods at the entrance to the cabin road, and on Indian Grass Prairie in the birches, and across the road in the Maples.

There are lots of young birds all of a sudden – Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Tree Swallows, Rough-winged Swallows, and House Finches. The Grosbeaks and House Finches all come to the feeder, and the kids stand in the food, waiting for the parents to stick it in their mouths.

The Phoebes are sitting on their second nest above the basement door. The still fly up whenever we open the door. I think the Barn Swallows are building a nest somewhere under the deck. They didn’t arrive until a few weeks ago, but they seem to be spending a lot of time fluttering around in likely nesting places.