This is a post about an issue that affects both raptors and people. Over the last year or two I’ve seen several articles about lead bullets causing poisoning of California Condors and Bald Eagles. As a result, we’ve started requiring the folks who hunt on our land to use non-lead bullets. But I’m not only concerned about the birds – lead bullets cause problems for people too, and I haven’t seen much publicity about that issue. So this post is mainly about the issue of lead bullets and the dangers they pose for people. Continue reading
Category Archives: 2009
Journal for December 25, 2009
On these snowy days the birds arrive at dawn, cover the feeders, and eat frantically all day long. Every morning I sprinkle the top of the railing with sunflower seeds – the goldfinches love that. It’s gone in less than an hour. Continue reading
Journal for December 12, 2009
It’s much colder this week, and we finally had a big snowstorm – the first really good one in a few years. Mike has been so anxious to use his big snowblower – on the tractor – to plow out the driveway, and we finally had enough snow!
Journal for November 28, 2009
The weather is still warm – in the 40s and 50s during the day – so I’ve been able to work outside.
Journal for November 8, 2009
We’re having a wonderful week of Indian Summer. It was 75 degrees yesterday! Continue reading
Ruffed Grouse
This Ruffed Grouse was sitting in the middle of the trail as I was driving the gator up the hill yesterday. It walked slowly across the trail and into the woods – watching me suspiciously and clucking all the way.
Favorite Photo – Mississippi River backwater
Now that our boat is working, we’ve been exploring some of the backwaters of the Mississippi River near Alma. This was taken in October, 2009.
Journal for October 31, 2009
Here are some views of the farm from the last few weeks. Continue reading
Journal for October 25, 2009
We went on what is probably our last boat ride of the season on the Mississippi. Continue reading
Favorite Photo – Polphemus Moth
Hatched on June 1, 2009. She attracted a male, so I collected some of the eggs she laid, and released her to lay the rest in the wild.