Journal May 17, 2004

It’s been a weekend of threatened, but not much actual rain. Nice and warm – 70 degrees, so we’ve been sitting on the porch.

We caulked the windows and the edge of the floor on the porch, so the bugs don’t come in, and I finished reweaving the wicker rocking chair, so we have nice places to sit.
We finished our last burn pile on Saturday – it’s nice to get the area on top of the bluff above the house cleared out. I went up last night and wandered around and enjoyed it and watched the birds. The burn pile was lower – about 3 inches high – but still hot – it must be burning underneath all the ash.

I’ve seen several birds this week that aren’t on our big list for the farm – Blackburnian Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, and Ovenbird. I’ve heard the call of the Ovenbird for a long time – several years – but never knew what it was.

Torks’ Pond had warblers swarming around it, perching in the willows at the edge. They must be after all the bugs that are flying over the surface of the water. The snapping turtle was lurking just under the water.

Pat and Paul came today for lunch, and we took them on a short tour. As we were driving along I saw one plant of flowering Garlic Mustard! I pulled it up, but I hope there isn’t any more.