[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Hidden Oaks Point page.]
We’re slowly expanding the open area of the prairie point, and I’m continuing to maintain the south-facing slope that the folks from Kule Region Forestry cleared in 2017.
In early April I cut brush – mainly small buckthorns – on the east-facing slope below the point. Mike mowed the lower point in May. In October I cut and treated brush in a strip – 8-10 feet wide – along the edge of the west-facing point all the way north into the edge of Hidden Oaks Savanna. Mike cut a few of the medium sized trees that were along the edge or growing out into the prairie, and one big female buckthorn on the point.
3/13/2022 Our first time this year sitting on the bench.
4/3/2022 Slope that was cleared in 2017. Mike mows up as far as he can, and I work on the higher slope by hand, cutting and treating brush.
4/3/2022 A brushy area just below the prairie point after cutting and treating the brush.
4/26/2022 Another example of an area where a lot of brush has grown up – in this case mostly raspberries and honeysuckle – before I’ve worked on it.
4/27/2022 Looking down from the prairie at the brushy areas that I’ve been clearing.
4/27/2022 Pasqueflowers blooming! I planted seeds here a few years ago and after many years of wishing and searching I finally found one plant blooming here, and one blooming on the Knife Edge Point.
5/24/2022 Raccoon climbing up into one of the oaks on the point
5/24/2022 Looking straight down the end of the point – Hoary Puccoon
5/24/2022 Looking the opposite direction – up the point.
5/24/2022 Hoary Puccoon and Burr Oak seedling
5/24/2022 Hoary Puccoon and Blue-eyed Grass
7/3/2022 Green Milkweed
7/3/2022 Looking south across the top of the point
7/3/2022 Looking north from the point along the west-facing slope
7/3/2022 Prairie Larkspur – the first time I’ve seen it growing here
7/11/2022 Wood Lily with a Coral Hairstreak
7/16/2022 Looking north along the west facing slope
7/19/2022 One Monarda plant has white blossoms
9/16/2022 Clearing work on the west-facing slope
9/23/2022 Silky Aster
10/3/2022 Heath Aster
10/5/2022 Clearing work on the west-facing slope – before cutting
10/5/2022 After cutting
10/21/2022 Looking back along the east-facing slope
12/4/2022 Last time on the bench for 2022