These include Silkmoths (Bombycidae), Giant Silk Moths (Saturniidae), and Sphinx Moths (Sphingidae). Thanks to Bill Oehlke for some of the IDs.
(To see more about our mothing adventures in Costa Rica and photos of the rest of the moths we saw, go to my Costa Rica Moths page.)
- 102 Apatelodes merlona
- 103 Epia
- 104 Epia
- 650 Copiopteryx semiramis andensis
- 650 Copiopteryx semiramis andensis
- 651 Sarcina purpurascens
- 652 Rhescyntis hippodamia norax
- 653 Asthenidia transversaria salax
- 654 Automeris postalbida
- 654 Automeris postalbida
- 655 Eacles ormondei
- 656 Oxytenis female, probably modestia
- 660 Adhemarius gannascus
- 660 Adhemarius gannascus
- 661 Callionima falcifera
- 661 Callionima falcifera
- 661 Callionima falcifera
- 662
- 663
- 664 Pachylia
- 664 Pachylia
- 665
- 665
- 666 Xylophanes
- 666 Xylophanes
- 667 Pachylia
- 668
- 669
- 670 Xylophanes zurcheri
- 671 Xylophanes ceratomioides
- 672
- 673
- 674
- 675
- 676 Xylophanes
- 677 Xylophanes neoptolemus
- 678 Apatelodes
- 679 Apatelodes