Early Summer Butterflies and Moths – June 14, 2005

Between the storms the sun came out and the butterflies appeared on the driveway.
There were dozens of butterflies – mostly Milbert’s Tortoiseshells – I counted 15 in about 8 feet of driveway.

I saw a few Great Spangled Fritillaries

lots of Red-spotted Purples

and several Northern Crescents.

I also saw Eastern Tailed Blues, Red Admirals, and some Painted Ladies in the fields.

There were a few Eight Spotted Forester moths – they’re beautiful very tiny moths, but they weren’t interested in being photographed.

On one of our morning walks along the road, I found a Silver-bordered Fritillary – a first for the farm.

And I saw this skipper – it’s a Hobomok Skipper – also a first.

Here’s a picture of the Hobomok Skipper that makes it look like a space alien.

In the wetland there were Viceroys.

And I saw one wonderful, huge, Virginia Ctenucha moth in one of the old fields.