[To see photos and stories about Maple Ridge in other years go to the links on the main Maple Ridge page.]
Maple Ridge is in pretty good shape except for invasive japanese honeysuckle, and small areas of Garlic Mustard. I treated as much of the Garlic Mustard as I could find in the spring. We had Todd recut and treat much of the honeysuckle this spring. He cut and treated most of it last year, but we had him treat the stumps with Garlon, which isn’t completely effective, so many stumps resprouted. This year he treated with glyphosate – we’re hopeful that it will work better.
Also this year, we had the well and septic system for the old trailer house decommissioned.
7/25/2019 This is the old trailer site, with the septic system and well decommissioned. I’ll control invasives here, but rather than planting anything, I’m going to try letting the woods take over on its own. It’s a small area, surrounded by north-facing oak/maple woods.
10/17/2019 Sugar Maple grove