Twisted Oak Savanna – 2018

[To see photos and stories of the savanna in other years, see the links on the main Twisted Oak Savanna page.]

We did our usual spring mowing in all the savanna areas.  And we spent a few weeks in late fall making a new path through the north end of the savanna.



5/2/2018  This is the new part of the savanna – the area we cleared in late fall 2017.


5/2/2018   Mike moved a lot of the fallen logs from this area, to give the prairie a chance to come back.




5/31/2018  The area that was cleared last winter – Ragwort Opening in the foreground, savanna beyond.


5/31/2018  Balsam Ragwort and Spreading Dogbane coming up at the edges of Ragwort Opening


Balsam Ragwort


5/31/2018  Looking from Ragwort Opening back into the older cleared part of the savanna



6/4/2018  Newly cleared savanna


8/25/2018  Ragwort Opening




10/12/2018   We’ve never liked the path through this end of the savanna.   It was steeply sloped, so it was scary to drive on, and the tractor would slide, especially in wet weather, and leave big scars.   So we decided to make a new path on the flat top of the ridge, through a new section of overgrown savanna.   This photo shows the older cleared part of the savanna, with the old path on the right side of the photo, curving back through the trees.


10/21/2018  This is the entrance to the savanna from Buffalo Ridge Prairie, before we started cutting the new path.  The old path is on the right.  The new path will go to the left.


10/21/2018  We cleared out fallen logs and small trees, and then Mike mowed through to make the path.


10/21/2018  The beginning of the new path


10/22/2018  Making more progress




10/25/2018  Coming out the other side of the woods


10/27/2018  The path is finished.  Now we need to to clear between the old and new paths, and to cut and treat buckthorn that has gotten established east of the new path.


10/27/2018  Looking north into the new path on the right, and the old path on the left.


10/29/2018  Young buckthorns east of the new path


11/21/2018  Clearing out brush and small trees between the paths


11/22/2018  The area between the paths is getting more savanna-like.


11/22/2018  The older cleared savanna


12/3/2018  The snow came and we had to stop work.  This shows the entrance to both paths looking north.