Euphydryas phaeton – Baltimore Checkerspot

Caterpillar foods: plants that caterpillars will eat after hatching and before hibernating are turtlehead (Chelone glabra), hairy beardtongue (Penstemon hirsutus), English plantain (Plantago lanceolata), and false foxglove (Aureolaria); after overwintering caterpillars may feed on other plants including arrowwood (Viburnum recognitum), common lousewort (Pedicularis canadensis), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), white ash (Fraxinus americana)  (BAMONA)  Also Swamp Lousewort (Pedicularis lanceolata) and Veronica (personal observation)

Adults fly in June and July here.  Young caterpillars build a nest on Turtlehead where they shelter and feed communally.  These young caterpillars hibernate.  Then, the following spring they feed independently on Turtlehead and other plants.


Baltimore Checkerspot 6-22-14 2



Baltimore Checkerspot 6-29-13 1


7/11/2008  nectaring on Wild Parsnip

baltimore checkerspot 7-11-08


8/24/2009  small nest in Turtlehead flowerhead

small nest 8-24-09


9/20/2005 caterpillars eating on the outside of a nest

nest 1



baltimore checkerspot nest


8/24/2009  nest

8-24-09 nest


9/26/2009  a nest closer to the ground – but also on Turtlehead

checkerspot nest on turtlehead 9-26-09


9/26/2009  nest built between sedge leaves

checkerspot nest in grass 9-26-09 1


9/26/2009  sedge nest

checkerspot nest in grass 9-26-09 2


5/24/2014  older larva

Baltimore Checkerspot caterpillar


6/8/2008   older larva on Pedicularis lanceolata


baltimore checkerspot 6-08


6/12/2006  older larva eating Plantain

baltimore checkerspot caterpillar


6/16/2009  older larvae on Pedicularis lanceolata

baltimore checkerspots on pedicularis


6/16/2018  Chrysalis


6/16/2018  Chrysalis


6/30/2013   During late June and July we see many Baltimore Checkerspots on our driveway.  On this day I counted 465 Baltimore Checkerspots.  (Also in the photo: Northern Crescents, Silvery Checkerspots and a Great Spangled Fritillary.)