Elaphria alapallida – Pale-winged Midget

Hodges # 9681.1

Caterpillar foods: larvae of E. festivoides have been reared on Box Elder  (Bugguide)  Some Elaphria can be reared on green algae (Protococcus) that grows on tree bark.  (Owlet Caterpillars of North America)

This species is very similar and closely related to E. festivoides – until recently they were considered the same species.  E. alapallida occurs in the northern states of the U.S. and Canada.  E. festivoides is found in the central and southern United States.  (Bugguide)


Elaphria alapallida 6-18-14 2



Elaphria alapallida 6-18-14 8



Elaphria alapallida 6-7-15 1

on Bugguide