Family Sphingidae Hodges # 7796
Caterpillar food: mint family: Monarda, Mentha, Salvia (Bugguide)
9/12/2010 I found this caterpillar crawling across the driveway.
9/17/2010 the completed pupa
6/22/2011 I kept the pupa in the refrigerator until the end of March, when the weather started to get warmer. Then I kept it outside until the adult emerged. I think the reddish stripe on its head must be a piece of its pupa. I didn’t realize it was there until I looked at the photos – I hope it didn’t cause a problem.
More adults that came to lights
7/26/2017 caterpillar found eating Monarda
8/11/2017 dramatic change to next instar
8/25/2017 getting very large – I think close to pupating