[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Indian Grass Point page.]
1/29/2007 Here’s an unusual view of Indian Grass Point – one that we can only see in winter. It’s from the top of Western Prairie, looking east over Indian Grass Point, and beyond it to our Cat’s Paw Prairie and our neighbors’ land.
We didn’t do much on the savanna area this year – mostly just watched the mowed areas recover. But I started hand clearing the hill that slopes down to the south-west from the goat prairie. There are prairie plants growing under the brush, so when I clear it, I feel like I’m creating instant prairie.
3/12/2007 Looking up at the south end of the point – still pretty brushy.
3/12/2007 The goat prairie, looking north from the point
3/24/2007 Hill’s Oak at the north end of the prairie
4/12/2007 Looking up at the point after a little more brush clearing.
4/12/2007 Looking down from the top of the point toward the house. I’ve cleared most of the brush down to the edge of the woods.
6/4/2007 This is part of the west-facing slope that I’m working on clearing. There are small Burr Oaks, prairie flowers and grasses, and lots of Prickly Ash and other brush.
6/4/2007 Balsam Ragwort blooming in Ragwort Opening
6/27/2007 Center Valley from the top of the point
6/27/2007 The widest part of the cleared savanna
6/27/2007 Prairie Coreopsis on the goat prairie
6/27/2007 New Jersey Tea – farther down the slope near the house
6/27/2007 Looking west from the savanna into Western Opening
6/27/2007 Now the aspens along the path are completely dead, and the brush is filling in
6/27/2007 Another view from the savanna into Western Opening
10/9/2007 The savanna and the edge of the western opening
10/9/2007 Looking into the western opening
10/9/2007 The savanna
10/22/2007 Center Valley from the point
10/22/2007 Looking up at the point – I’m continuing to clear away more brush
10/22/2007 Hill’s Oak at the north end of the goat prairie
10/30/2007 This is the steep slope that faces south-west, sloping down from the goat prairie. I’m starting to clear Prickly Ash, Honeysuckle and the Birches from this slope.
10/30/2007 Here’s some of the honeysuckle.
10/30/2007 And here I’ve cut and removed some of it.
10/30/2007 Another part of the slope – showing more of the birches.
10/30/2007 A cleared section of the slope. I’ve started a brush pile at the bottom, so I just throw or roll the cut pieces down until they get to it.
11/5/2007 This is some of the brush – mostly Prickly Ash – that I’m cutting.
11/5/2007 And this is what the hillside looks like when it’s been cleared.
11/20/2007 More brush and fallen birches
11/20/2007 Some clumps of Prairie Dropseed growing under the Prickly Ash
12/1/2007 That’s it for clearing work until next year.