Twisted Oak Savanna – 2022

[To see photos and stories of the savanna in other years, see the links on the main Twisted Oak Savanna page.]

This year we did our usual spring mowing under the trees in the savanna.  During the summer I pulled Queen Anne’s Lace, and cut and treated burdock and many stems of honeysuckle and buckthorn that are still resprouting in the areas we mow.  I also cut and treated the small clumps of Reed Canary Grass that are coming up along the path in the northern part of the savanna.



4/29/2022  After spring mowing








5/17/2022  There are still some small Hawthorn trees growing in the northern part of the savanna.


8/13/2022  The northern edge – where the two paths come in from Buffalo Ridge Prairie – has Monarda, Oxeye and Giant Purple Hyssop.


8/17/2022  Big Leaved Aster in the northern part of the savanna


8/19/2022  The northernmost part of the savanna that we’ve cleared, with Woodland Joe Pye Weed, Bottle Brush Grass and Goldenrod blooming at the edges of Ragwort Opening.


8/19/2022  This shows the area between the two paths – still recovering from our clearing work.  The most common plants there this year were Goldenrod, Tall Thistle and Field Thistle.  There are still many resprouting honeysuckles that I’m working to cut and treat.


8/19/2022  View from the path into Ragwort Opening


8/20/2022  Elm-leaved Goldenrod






10/11/2022  There are a few scattered Red Maples in the woods.


10/14/2022  Ragwort Opening

