[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Hidden Oaks Point page.]
I did two small projects here this year. I went back across the open prairie area and cut and treated small sumacs that had come up after my big cutting and treating project last year. Some had come back, but most of them were small and somewhat deformed, so I’m hopeful that the roots have been damaged.
I also cut and treated the small aspens that were coming up in the prairie area. I’ve discovered that this is the most successful way to deal with aspen sprouts.
One of my future goals is to cut and treat the thick brush that grows on the west facing slope of the prairie – between the prairie on top, and the strip of woods below. There are scattered large birches and oaks on the slope, and prairie plants growing under them. I’ve girdled most of the birches, and they’re starting to die. I started clearing work this fall by cutting and treating a small area at the tip of the point. It was very thick – a tangle of buckthorn, honeysuckle and prickly ash. I didn’t get very far, but it’s a start on the larger project.
4/30/2021 Amelanchier humilis – Low Serviceberry This was a nice discovery – a new plant for the farm. It’s growing at the top of the west facing slope of the prairie.
5/2/2021 Looking up at the point from below
5/9/2021 Looking down the point into 3 Finger Valley at the bottom – nearly the opposite view from the photo just above this one.
5/11/2021 The slope at the tip of the point – south facing
5/19/2021 The top of the west facing slope – this thick brush is what I’d like to cut. I’ve cleared a bit at the top, but haven’t gotten very far down the slope.
6/22/2021 One big success this year was that some of the Wood Lilies I’ve planted here – near the top of the west facing slope – came up and some bloomed. A Coral Hairstreak was nectaring on this one.
6/22/2021 West facing slope with Wood Lily
7/7/2021 West facing slope
7/9/2021 Looking the other way at the west facing slope
9/2/2021 This is the tip of the point, with the beginning of the west facing tangle of brush on the top right.
9/22/2021 Here’s the tangle of brush before I started cutting
9/22/2021 And after I finished. Next year I hope to do a larger area, but this was a start.
10/22/2021 Looking through small Burr Oaks to the prairie