Cat’s Paw Prairie – 2020

[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Cat’s Paw Prairie page.]

The only work we did here this year was to mow for aspen sprouts in late September/early October.

There are places in this prairie that are dominated by Canada Goldenrod, but other areas have lots of Wood Betony and much more diversity.  One of the most common species here is White Gentian.

5/27/2020  Wood Betony, Golden Alexanders and Wild Lupine blooming


5/27/2020  Indian Paintbrush


5/27/2020  Prairie Phlox


8/17/2020  Diverse area with Stiff Goldenrod, White Gentian, Black-eyed Susan (blooming), and Golden Alexanders, Round-headed Bush Clover, Wood Betony, White Wild-Indigo  (not blooming).




8/21/2020  An area with more Canada Goldenrod


9/27/2020  Brown-eyed Susan is common at the edges, in partial shade


10/5/2020  Mowing for aspen


10/5/2020  More of the mowed areas along the west edge of the prairie


10/8/2020  The narrowest part of the prairie, with mowing for aspen






12/5/2020  Crows flying over the prairie toward their nighttime roost