Erynnis lucilius – Columbine Duskywing

Caterpillar foods: Columbine

The only way to tell adult Columbine Duskywings from Wild Indigo Duskywings is to observe their host plant.  Their wing markings are indistinguishable.

5/26/2018  I found two Duskywings circling each other, and one kept landing on this Wild Columbine plant.


5/26/2018  I checked the underside of the leaves, and found several eggs.


5/28/2018  Egg


5/28/2018  By the time I collected the plant, two days later, one egg had hatched.


5/28/2018  Remains of the eggshell


5/31/2018  caterpillar leaf shelter



5/31/2018  caterpillar inside leaf shelter









6/21/2018  Caterpillar in a silken nest – preparing to pupate



7/8/2018  Pupa



7/10/2018  Newly emerged adult



7/10/2018  Newly emerged adult



7/10/2018  Newly emerged adult


7/16/2018  Another newly emerged adult