Bobcat – Lynx rufus

(Click on a photo to see a larger version.)

10/15/2012  This is the first bobcat we saw on our land – on our new trail camera.

bobcat 10-15-12 2

Since then we’ve seen more, although it’s still infrequent enough that we get excited when we see one.


bobcat 5-20-13



8-13-13 bobcat


1/20/2015  Crossing the driveway over the creek

bobcat 1-20-15 2


1/20/2015  Hunting at the beaver dam

bobcat 1-20-15 3


1/20/2015  On the beaver dam

bobcat 1-20-15 1


4-7-15 bobcat 1




7-4-15 bobcat


8/4/2015   Depositing a pile of scat.

8-4-15 3 bobcat


8/4/2015  The next pile of scat – early the next morning

8-4-15 2 bobcat


8/4/2015  Done – territory marked

8-4-15 1 bobcat


8/5/2015  Checking on the scat the next morning.
8-5-15 1 bobcat