[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Hidden Oaks Point page.]
1/6/2007 This is the hollow where the Robin’s Plantain grows that I started clearing last fall. Now it’s pretty much cleared out.
4/20/2007 The point – with a few birch piles left to move
5/17/2007 Robin’s Plantain blooming in the area I cleared
5/17/2007 Robin’s Plantain (Erigeron pulchellus)
6/7/2007 Looking up from the bottom of the point
6/11/2007 Burr Oaks at the edge of the savanna area
6/11/2007 The aspen woods still looks pretty overgrown. Now that there’s more light reaching the ground, the shrubs are growing thicker.
6/11/2007 More old oaks
8/16/2007 The view out over our land from the top of the point
8/26/2007 Hidden Oaks Meadow
10/5/2007 The prairie on the point at sunset
10/28/2007 Looking back through the savanna