[To see stories and photos from other years, see the links on the main Wetland page.]
5/12/2008 There are numerous patches of Marsh Marigolds throughout the wetland.
5/12/2008 Sometime in the past one of the farmers built a wall around this large spring to make it into a pond. It’s close to where the old farmhouse used to be.
5/12/2008 Looking down into the water you can see water bubbling up through the ground.
7/31/2008 Joe Pye Weed
8/2/2008 The hill between the road and the driveway has mostly natives except for two prominent invaders – White Sweet Clover and Queen Anne’s Lace. This year the Sweet Clover population exploded, and I decided to try pulling it all.
8/2/2008 Here’s a pile in the gator – on the way to the compost pile. It looks terrible, but it actually only took a few days. When it’s this mature, I can cut the stalks off at ground level and it stops growing.
8/9/2008 The hillside without Sweet Clover – it still has a little Queen Anne’s Lace.
8/16/2008 Blue Vervain in the newly planted Parsnip Meadow
8/22/2008 Oxeye and Cup Plant
8/25/2008 Blue Vervain in Parsnip Meadow
9/6/2008 Parsnip Meadow
9/11/2008 This is the area where I’ve been weeding Parsnip by hand. There’s definitely less parsnip this year. This is Swamp Thistle, Sneezeweed, and Tall Sunflower.
10/18/2008 Parsnip Meadow