Wetland 2003

[To see stories and photos from other years, see the links on the main Wetland page.]


3-16-03 1


3/16/2003  The creek flooding

3-16-03 2



8-31-03 1



9/13/2003  The darker vegetation on the left is sedge meadow

9-13-03 1


9/13/2003  Joe Pye Weed and Sneezeweed

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9/13/2003   Blue Lobelia

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9/13/2003  Planted prairie at the lower edge of Pine Pine Prairie – bordering on a sedge meadow

9-13-03 4


9/15/2003   Fringed Gentian

9-15-03 1


10/5/2003   This is the area where we have Fringed Gentian growing naturally.  (I’ve collected seeds here and planted them in other parts of the wetland.)

10-5-03 1