[To see photos and stories of this prairie in other years, go to the links on the main Indian Grass Point page.]
1/9/2013 Ridge on the top of Indian Grass Point
1/9/2013 Ridge – west-facing side
1/24/2013 This is the path up the hill behind the house, up to Indian Grass Point. The photo is very deceiving – it looks fairly flat, but actually it’s a very steep hill up to the point.
2/11/2013 The point after a snowstorm
4/24/2013 The front of the point is getting more open – I’ve cleared most of the lower half.
4/26/2013 View from the point
6/10/2013 Looking south toward the point
6/27/2013 White Camas and Harebells
6/27/2013 Harebells on the point
9/28/2013 I decided to really work on the east-facing slope this fall. I needed to be able to throw the cut brush down the hill, so I worked from the bottom, clearing a narrow space so I could throw things all the way down into the woods.
9/28/2013 Looking north from the stripe I cleared – lots of brush yet to cut.
9/28/2013 Looking south from the stripe I cleared – toward the point
11/14/2013 This is the same slope, after clearing out sumac, raspberries and prickly ash. Now this slope is open all the way to the point.
11/19/2013 Looking the other way – north – before clearing
11/19/2013 After clearing – I’ve cleared more than half way back to the northern edge of the prairie.
10/13/2013 Another big clearing project that Mike and I did together – on top of the ridge above the point. (This is the same view as the earlier photo – from June 10 – looking south toward the point.) We decided we needed some ‘before’ photos.
10/13/2013 this is a similar view, after doing a day of cutting (Mike on the weedwacker, me making piles a spraying stumps.) We liberated several big old oaks, and cleared away alot of brush.
10/26/2013 Same view after we removed the brush piles. Now it looks like a savanna!
10/26/2013 Looking the other way – north – away from the point. We haven’t done any clearing to the right of the path.
11/1/2013 This is looking north – before we began clearing in that direction.
11/14/2013 This is afterwards – we cleared all the way to the prairie opening that I’ve been calling Ragwort Opening. Now it’s all one savanna area.
More views of the newly opened savanna
11/20/2013 Mike standing with his tractor, and the brush pile we’ve built from this project
11/25/2013 Another ‘after’ photo – after cutting more brush at the south end of our new savanna area. We hope to do a little more cutting up there this fall, but that depends on the weather.
12/1/2013 One last project before the snow – clearing out some of the brush between Ragwort opening and the path.
12/14/2013 That’s it for this year. This picture shows the difference between the cleared and the uncleared sides of the path.
Here are two slide shows I did about these two projects.
This is the link to the savanna project.
This is the link to the project on the east-facing side of the point.