It was a lovely day, but too cool and cloudy for butterflies. A Broad Winged Hawk flew over the bluff, over me. Wood ducks, Yellow-rumped warblers, Kingfisher, and Tree-swallows along the creek. The willows were full of yellow rumped warblers flycatching. In the woods we saw: Ruby-crowned Kinglet (very brave), Yellow-rumped Warblers, Hairy Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Flicker, Brown Creeper, and Chickadees. There was a Chipping Sparrow on the edge of a bluff prairie. In the ditch along the farm road there were: lots of Juncos, Fox Sparrows, one Tree Sparrow, and Song Sparrows. We heard strange noises in the woods – turkeys?
We saw Compton’s Tortoiseshells, at least 6 of them, on the farm roads; also several commas, and Spring Azures. There was one lovely little moth, a “Grapevine Epimenis” (Psychomorpha epimenis). It feeds on grapes, and flys in late March to early May.