Journal for March 16, 2013

It’s the time of year when there are lots of hints of spring, but it’s definitely still winter.  We’ve been getting small storms every day or two, bringing an inch or two of snow each time.  And then about once a week, a larger storm.

This is from the last big storm – about 9 inches of very wet snow.

snow 3-11-13


A glaze of ice on the branches

snow and ice in the woods


It’s still a little too snowy to work on Sumac Prairie!

snow on sumac prairie


The animals must be getting tired of the winter too.  This deer was up to its knees in snow – a photo from one of the wildlife cameras.

deer 3-6-13


This Red Fox was taking advantage of the plowed driveway – also a wildlife camera photo.

3-2-13 red fox 1


Lots of Bald Eagles show up at this time of year.  These two were very far away – in one of the trees in the wetland.  Mike’s been enjoying taking far away photos with his new camera.  I like the painterly look of the trees.

eagles - mikes photo


A juvenile Golden Eagle, circling above our Center Valley.    They won’t be around much longer – they’ll start heading up to their breeding grounds in northern Canada.

golden eagle 3-3-13


This is a Promethea Moth cocoon on a small cherry tree.  I know we have these moths, but I seldom find their cocoons.  The caterpillar eats cherry leaves, and then wraps itself in a leaf when it’s ready to pupate.  It fastens the leaf securely from the branch with silk, and then the pupa hangs there all winter – like a Christmas ornament.

promethea cocoon 3-3-13


Paul O’Connor, my energetic, creative father-in-law died this week – he was 92.   For the last 40 years of his life he was a hand weaver, exploring complex weaving, and creating beautiful wall art and art clothing.   We’ll miss him!  Here’s a picture of him from the last time he visited the farm, sitting on the Big View bench.

Clarke, Paul, Mike  7/19/2008

clarke and paul at bench  7-19-08 1